Friday, June 27, 2008

PPL Uses Eminent Domain in Bucks!

I just came across this and wanted to pass it along. PPL is attempting to use eminent domain in Bucks County. Remember when I asked the question if they would be pursuing eminent domain if the PUC turned down their initial proposal?

If you follow this link,

You will see 5 hearing scheduled for the week of June 2nd, 2008 against individual land owners. Here's what each one says...

For a finding and determination that the service to be furnished by the applicant through its proposed exercise of the Power of Eminent Domain to acquire a right-of-way and easement for the construction, operation and maintenance of the proposed Coopersburg #1 and #2 138/69 kV Tap Reconstruction over and across the lands of (landowner's name) in (township name), Bucks County is necessary or proper for the service, accommodation, convenience or safety to the public.

Scary, no?

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