Thursday, June 26, 2008

Congratulations on a job well done!

I think I speak for everyone when I say - Great job over the past week in getting the word out. I was thrilled when I pulled in at 5PM and saw how many people showed up. Your dedication to this cause definitely had PPL scrambling a bit tonight, which was excellent to see. The rumors were that about 500 people showed up tonight (estimates by PPL mostly). We got tons of email addresses and signatures and got to meet each other, which was the best part of the evening (besides watching them squirm a bit).

In case you were not aware or involved, we had a mini-town hall style meeting in the back room of the Community Center for about an hour and a half. PPL was trying to keep the group small initially, but it ended up being over 100 people. Greg Smith was kind enough to answer questions, but it was clear that many of us wanted to not only ask questions, but also make sure they understood our opinions. It was great to see our group band together and remind PPL that they used to care about the environment, that we have real families involved here who love the Appalachian Trail and the rural beauty of Blue Mountain (and will fight for it), and that our lives are in jeopardy of being ruined and commercialized for their shareholders profits.

Check out this blog to catch up on the story so far. Many of you have the new address -, but it's not up yet! I just bought it this morning. There are documents, information on contacting government officials, template letters to use and it is only going to grow. We need to keep the heat on PPL. Just because their meeting is done, that doesn't mean our job is!

Thanks again and it was a pleasure to meet you all.

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